четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Fed: Aust warned to avoid Venezuela amid unrest

Fed: Aust warned to avoid Venezuela amid unrest

CANBERRA, Feb 10 AAP - Australians have been warned to avoid travel to Venezuela asunrest continues amid a two-month national strike.

The Department of Foreign Affairs warned people to avoid travelling to Venezuela unlessthey had urgent reasons for doing so.

"The security situation in Venezuela, including Caracas and other major cities continuesto be volatile," the department said.

"Australians in Venezuela should avoid large public gatherings, maintain a high levelof personal security awareness and keep themselves informed of developments that may affecttheir safety."

The warning came just days after more than 100,000 opponents of President Hugo Chavezmarched through the streets of Caracas in solidarity with oil workers staging a strikeagainst the beleaguered Venezuelan leader.

At least seven people have died in shootings at political rallies and in street clashesand other violence since the stoppage began in December.

The strike has fuelled political tensions between President Chavez and his foes, whohave led scores of huge street rallies.

DFAT said any Australians in Venezuela should not travel to Amazonas State or to anyarea within 75 kms of the Venezuelan border with Colombia.

"Australians should ensure they take appropriate measures to enable them to mitigatethe effects of the current political situation and the prolonged national strike," thedepartment said.

"The potential for demonstrations to turn violent continues.

"Australians should remain indoors during rallies and demonstrations and should ensurethat they take appropriate security measures."

AAP rft/mg/ts


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