четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

NAT: Helicopter arrives to rescue Siberian three

AAP General News (Australia)
NAT: Helicopter arrives to rescue Siberian three

MELBOURNE, Dec 1 AAP - A rescue helicopter has arrived to pick up a team of documentary
film-makers, including Australian Rory McGuinness, trapped on a frozen Siberian island.

The helicopter, sent by international medical emergency company AEA International SOS,
landed on the remote Vrangelya, also known as Wrangel Island, about 2pm AEDT today.

AEA International SOS spokesman Mark Crawford said Mr McGuinness, Tatsuhko Kobayashi, a
producer with NHK, Japan's largest state television network, and Russian scientist Nikita
Ovsyanikov were due back on the mainland at Pevek about 6pm AEDT.

"Theyre in fair spirits," Mr Crawford told AAP from his Sydney office.

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